//! The entry of trap handler, which will handle the context switch and distribute the trap to the corresponding function.
//! The trapframe is defined in `axhal` module, and the trap handler is defined in `axtrap` module.
//! The reason for the separation of definition and implementation is to ensure a one-way dependence on the calling relationship.
//! The trap handler need to dispatch the trap to the corresponding functions, which use `trapframe` struct to finish their functions.
//! If you want to use this module, please ensure that the trap context layout you pass to the handler is
//! in consistent or compatible with the trap frame layout defined in [axhal](https://github.com/Azure-stars/Starry/tree/main/modules/axhal).
//! Otherwise, you may need to modify the unsafe assembly code of this module to complete the privilege switching function
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
mod arch;
mod trap;
pub use arch::init_interrupt;