Module axstd::thread

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Native threads.


  • Buildermultitask
    Thread factory, which can be used in order to configure the properties of a new thread.
  • JoinHandlemultitask
    An owned permission to join on a thread (block on its termination).
  • Threadmultitask
    A handle to a thread.
  • ThreadIdmultitask
    A unique identifier for a running thread.


  • currentmultitask
    Gets a handle to the thread that invokes it.
  • Exits the current thread.
  • Current thread is going to sleep for the given duration.
  • Current thread is going to sleep, it will be woken up at the given deadline.
  • spawnmultitask
    Spawns a new thread, returning a JoinHandle for it.
  • Current thread gives up the CPU time voluntarily, and switches to another ready thread.