Crate capability

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Provide basic capability-based security.

The wrapper type WithCap associates a capability to an object, that is a set of access rights. When accessing the object, we must explicitly specify the access capability, and it must not violate the capability associated with the object at initialization.


use capability::{Cap, WithCap};

let data = WithCap::new(42, Cap::READ | Cap::WRITE);

// Access with the correct capability.
assert_eq!(data.access(Cap::READ).unwrap(), &42);
assert_eq!(data.access(Cap::WRITE).unwrap(), &42);
assert_eq!(data.access(Cap::READ | Cap::WRITE).unwrap(), &42);

// Access with the incorrect capability.
assert!(data.access(Cap::READ | Cap::EXECUTE).is_err());


  • Capabilities (access rights).
  • Error type for capability violation.
  • A wrapper that holds a type with a capability.