pub trait GenericArmGic: Debug + Clone + Copy + Sync + Send + Sized {
    // Required methods
    fn init_primary(&mut self);
    fn per_cpu_init(&mut self);
    fn set_trigger(&mut self, intid: IntId, trigger: TriggerMode);
    fn enable_interrupt(&mut self, intid: IntId);
    fn disable_interrupt(&mut self, intid: IntId);
    fn get_and_acknowledge_interrupt(&self) -> Option<IntId>;
    fn end_interrupt(&self, intid: IntId);
Expand description

GenericArmGic. It is used to implement the interface abstraction that the interrupt chip driver should provide to the outside world. I hope that the versatility of the driver interface should support more chip architectures.

Required Methods§


fn init_primary(&mut self)

Initialises the GIC.


fn per_cpu_init(&mut self)

Initialises the GIC for the current CPU core.


fn set_trigger(&mut self, intid: IntId, trigger: TriggerMode)

Configures the trigger type for the interrupt with the given ID.


fn enable_interrupt(&mut self, intid: IntId)

Enables the interrupt with the given fn enable_interrupt(&mut self, intid: IntId);


fn disable_interrupt(&mut self, intid: IntId)

Disable the interrupt with the given ID.


fn get_and_acknowledge_interrupt(&self) -> Option<IntId>

Gets the ID of the highest priority signalled interrupt, and acknowledges it.

Returns None if there is no pending interrupt of sufficient priority.


fn end_interrupt(&self, intid: IntId)

Informs the interrupt controller that the CPU has completed processing the given interrupt. This drops the interrupt priority and deactivates the interrupt.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
